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Dear Professors,

I’m sick of constantly hearing your words play over and over in my head. “We don’t think you are an actor.” You were the people in whom I had placed my trust and artistic future. You didn’t reach out or try to talk to me about any of the numerous issues I had been struggling with. Being on my own. Dealing with my flaws of humanity. All you say was a young artist that didn’t fit your definition of what an actor was. I walked away from that conversation almost 10 years ago determined to prove you wrong. And still to this day your words echo in my mind whenever I start feeling self doubt. Why did you tell me what you thought I was not instead of what you thought I had the potential to be. Why take your position of power and use it for harm instead of development? 

I’ve chosen to make my own path and see your words as a means of not limiting myself. But now that I find myself in similar shoes to yours I cannot fathom doing that to another young artist. I struggle often with that burden of judgement you laid on me but I can choose to not make your mistakes. 

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